You are welcome to Mount Zion, city of the living God!
A place of refuge, restoration, reformation, and recalibration.
Whatever phase or season of life you are presently, there is a place for you in Mount Zion.
They shall ask the way to Zion,
With their faces toward it, saying,
'Come and let us join ourselves to the Lord
In a perpetual covenant
That will not be forgotten'
Jeremiah 50:5 (NKJV)
Mount Zion is a contemporary Noah's Ark (Gen 6:18-20).
God is the Architect, we are the workers (Gen 6: 14-16; 1 Cor 3:9).
God is the Master-planner, we are His vessels (Jer 10:23; 2 Tim 2: 19-21).
God is the Builder and the Maker, we are the product (Heb 11: 10).
Prophetic Declaration:
For Mount Zion is an Ark of God, everything that comes therein lives and thrives.
The Ecosystem of the Ark is designed and sustained by the Holy Spirit.
The Wind that blows therein is Ruach, the breath of the Almighty that brings life (Gen 1: 2b, 2:7; Acts 2:2).
The Water that flows therein is an eternal supply of the rivers of living water, the water of life (Jn 7: 38; Ezek 47:1-9; Rev 22: 1-2)
The Light that shines therein is the Fire of the Holy Ghost, the Sun of Righteousness, the Bright and Morning Star, the Light is Life (Lev 6:13; Acts 2:3-4; Mal 4:2; Rev 22:16; Jn 1:4).
Outside the Ark there is storm, but within there is peace.
Outside the Ark there is darkness, but within there is light.
Outside the Ark there is devastation, but within there is impartation.
Outside the Ark there is death, but within there is life.
The Ark (Mount Zion) is a divine vessel that preserves, provides, and promotes the inhabitants into all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ who has called us to glory and virtue.
Welcome to the Ark (Mount Zion), city of the living God!
Parish Pastor